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Install Pop Shell

تنصيب Pop Shell على أي توزيعة بواجهة GNOME

Install Pop Shell on other GNOME DEs⚓︎

شرح خطوات تنصيب Pop Shell على أي توزيعة بواجهة GNOME.

Ubuntu and Zorin OS Core (Ubuntu Based Distros)⚓︎

  1. Install git and build dependencies
sudo apt install git node-typescript make
  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Open the new shell dir
cd shell
  1. Install Pop Shell
make local-install

If you Get and error logout and login, then try the last two steps again


Install it from Fedora repostitories

sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell

Using Pop Shell on other GNOME Desktops